Harder Beat Magazine Online
If you didn’t sweat your ass off with all the outside festivals last month (Warped, Mayhem, Rocklahoma), there’s still another chance at Ozzfest, Aug. 9. Lots of other shows going on as well.

You Wrote

Best in the ‘plex
To Kimber: Thanx a million for the write-up. It reads like a champ. We appreciate each and every one of the folks who help us along the way. Hope to see you again soon, and keep the HB alive. No other ‘zine in the area does as good a job as you folks at keeping the ‘plex informed.
Peace, Love & Beer,
Six Point Hollow

Thanks to Kevin
Thank you for the very generous review. Have a great day and tell Linda thanks for getting it in your hands, so that it could be printed in the July issue.
Moving Atlas

Linda, Just wanted to say thanks for always helping us out every time we needed ya. You were there in the beginning, and you are still here now doing what you can. A lot of radio/magazine personalities like to latch onto the new hot band and act like they were there the whole time — for own their personal gain. You truly love the music. [If it were] not for people like you, I don’t know what would have happened to Heavy Metal when it got scary! Thanks,
Mike Sickels, SIK

This is Matt Moseman from Edgewater. I have been reading your mag since about ’96, and I love it. Wanted to know where I could send some discs for review and listening pleasure. I have a new band with Micah Creel from Edgewater, boynamedcircus, with an ep coming out next month called “Step Right Up.”…. I would like your mag to be part of our campaign in doing some interviews and such. You guys have done a great job keeping up the local scene when there has not been much of one lately, and we appreciate that. Thanks again!
Matt Moseman

Linda replies
Matt (and other local bands), you can send your CD or EP to Harder Beat, PO Box 59711, Dallas, TX 75229. We can’t do all that we get (some 80 a month, nationals included), but we do listen to a bit of each one at a monthly staff meeting and review what we can. (Linda)

Missing Parts & Pieces work
I just wanted to take a second and thank you for putting my ad (in the MP&P). Just a few days after it came out, I got snagged by Phantom X as their new guitarist. Thanks again!
Richard Tull

100 years later
Hi Linda, it’s Sean from Monument. We’re playing shows again after a few hundred years, LOL… with upcoming dates at Dream Warriors (August 9) and at O’Riley’s. Hope everything is going well and you are doing OK. Thanks for keeping the HB going all these years. You are the best.
Sean / Monument

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